Generate Video from Product Information
Final step to generate the product video. Use the product_id received from Step 1 (POST /product response)
Product ID obtained from Step 1 (POST /product) response data.product_id
Video aspect ratio:
0 - Portrait [9:16]
1 - Landscape [16:9]
2 - Square [1:1]
, 1
, 2
Video Length.
, 30
, 60
Script generation language (defaults to English if not specified):
english - English
filipino - Filipino
french - French
german - German
hindi - Hindi
indonesian - Indonesian
italian - Italian
japanese - Japanese
korean - Korean
malay - Malay
portuguese - Portuguese
russian - Russian
spanish - Spanish
thai - Thai
vietnamese - Vietnamese
arabic - Arabic
greek - Greek
turkish - Turkish
slovenian - Slovenian
croatian - Croatian
romanian - Romanian
chinese - Simplified Chinese
bengali - Bengali
urdu - Urdu
hungarian - Hungarian
traditional-chinese - Traditional Chinese
polish - Polish
cantonese - Cantonese
danish - Danish
malayalam - Malayalam
tamil - Tamil
telugu - Telugu
czech - Czech
hebrew - Hebrew
zulu - Zulu
swedish - Swedish
lithuanian - Lithuanian
dutch - Dutch
flemish - Flemish
norwegian - Norwegian
finnish - Finnish
bulgarian - Bulgarian
latvian - Latvian
ukrainian - Ukrainian
mongolian - Mongolian
persian - Persian
odia - Odia
assamese - Assamese
kannada - Kannada
tagalog - Tagalog
amharic - Amharic
serbian - Serbian
slovak - Slovak
swahili - Swahili
, filipino
, french
, german
, hindi
, indonesian
, italian
, japanese
, korean
, malay
, portuguese
, russian
, spanish
, thai
, vietnamese
, arabic
, greek
, turkish
, slovenian
, croatian
, romanian
, chinese
, bengali
, urdu
, hungarian
, traditional-chinese
, polish
, cantonese
, danish
, malayalam
, tamil
, telugu
, czech
, hebrew
, zulu
, swedish
, lithuanian
, dutch
, flemish
, norwegian
, finnish
, bulgarian
, latvian
, ukrainian
, mongolian
, persian
, odia
, assamese
, kannada
, tagalog
, amharic
, serbian
, slovak
, swahili
Avatar id from Jogg Avatar or Your Avatar.
Avatar source type:
0 - Public avatars
1 - Custom avatars
, 1
Script writing style for video content:
Don't Worry - Casual and reassuring tone
Storytime - Narrative and engaging storytelling approach
Discovery - Exploratory and revealing style
Data - Fact-based and analytical presentation
Top 3 reasons - List-based persuasive format
Light marketing - Soft-sell marketing approach
Don't Worry
, Storytime
, Discovery
, Data
, Top 3 reasons
, Light marketing
Template source type:
public - Template from template library
custom - Template from my templates
, custom
Voice id from voice list.
Music id from music list.
Visual style of the video from visual list(GET /visual)
Template ID from template library or custom template
You can enter the script you want to use here to override the existing script.
Controls subtitle rendering:
true - Show subtitles
false - Hide subtitles